
Pavlov's Dog were one of my favourite bands ever! "Fast Gun" is for sure my favourite song!

Right now I'm living in my desk, Descriptive Geometry doesn't allow me to keep on menaging the blog and make posts every day. Hell ends 26th jully!
(It's just a short break)

This movie it's something so... I don't even know how to describe it.

 I guess that love must be reinspired every day, surprises appear and the feeling of two persons remain.  Actually this was a strange dinner but very original, not?

It is perfect when I catch those images, joy and love all together, it makes me feel happy...

Present body, mind apart, life is harsh! There is no answer for: what is love? There are just answers for the causes of our unhapiness and disappointments... 

Check out my friend Filipe and his blog. He took this picture while i was "cycling" in the middle of the public way before a Metal Festival!

We went to that party. In the end I guess that those lights flashed me out for a while!

He has been always an influence, this was Leo's B-side for the new Emerica movie "Stay Gold".

My friend Bárbara as a very good taste for photography and lifestyle, check her out at:

Dear katie for MANGO with terry richardson.

I'd like so much to catch her up on backstage, hope to see her this year at SBSR!

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